Reprinted 1894 edition of Eastern Ontario Review


Read yesterday’s news! This October 26, 1894 edition of the Eastern Ontario Review extols the virtues of “Vankleek Hill — Commercial and Mercantile Centre of the County of Prescott”. The Review reprinted this edition in 1997, as part of the town’s bicentennial celebrations. Read about the who’s who of 1894, see beautiful images of the town’s oldest homes and read about who built them — and of course, there are stories about the local businesses, too.

This oversized newspaper is all of four pages, with 35 local images, of houses, business store-fronts and people — each of which, at that time, would have been sent to a lithographer in Montreal so that they could be sent back to The Review,  — the images engraved on metal attached to wooden blocks, ready to drop into the linotype layout. Back then, it took four men to lift one page of set type onto the press at the Review’s print shop. Pages one and 4 would be printed during the day, left to dry overnight and then the entire stack was flipped over the next day, so that pages 2 and 3 could be printed (each sheet hand-fed through the press) plus: the paper would be quarter-folded — to one-quarter of the size of the full two-page spread.

There are limited copies of this reprinted edition left. Order yours today!


86 in stock

Sold By: The Review